- I really need to lose some weight. 我真的需要减肥了。
- I am diet to try to lose some weight. 我实行节食看能不能减点体重。
- Some scores of people acknowledged that there was a crisis. 数十个人都承认存在着一场危机。
- How much of a lift can colleges get if they ignore some scores? 如果忽略一些分数,那么校方会有多大的提升空间呢?
- I'd like to lose some weight from my tum. 我希望肚子能瘦点。
- I need to go on a diet to lose some weight. 我要节食减肥。
- Unfortunately you win some and lose some. 不幸的是有得必有失。
- With every collision, you lose some life. 每一个碰撞,你失去一些生命。
- The river Till strained among some score of willow-covered, marshy islets. 铁尔河蜿蜒在几十个长满了柳树的沼泽小岛之间。
- I've told my children they must toe the line with regard to house rules or lose some of the freedom they presently enjoy. 我告诉孩子们必须遵守家规,要不他们就会失去目前享有的某些自由。
- The river Till strained among some score of willow -covered, marshy islets. 铁尔河蜿蜒在几十个长满了柳树的沼泽小岛之间。
- She lost some money, but her father made it up to her. 她损失了一些钱,但是她父亲为她补了起来。
- Even if we fail in the experiment,we can but lose some spare time. 即使我们试验失败,大不了白费了一些业余时间。
- Life seems to have lost some of its savor. 生活中似乎已失去了一些值得享受的乐趣。
- Moreover, it means he will lose some clients from time to time. 此外,这也意味着他将不时地失去一些客户。
- A: Where does he get off telling me I need to lose some weight? 他凭什么跟我说我应该要减重?
- If he wants to go deeper he must lose some of this freedom. 要是他想下潜得更深,行动就要受到限制。
- You, like me, probably want to lose some weight and tone up. 你和我一样,可能要失去一些重量和语调。
- Notes: the first number is the number of victories, the second one is the number of airplanes shot down some scores may be higher or lower; this list ISN'T PERFECT! 注意前半部分的数字表示的是战果,后半部分的数字表示的是击落飞机的数量一些数据可能偏高或偏低:这张表格并不是很完善。
- Even if we fail in the experiment, we can but lose some spare time. 即使我们试验失败,大不了白费了一些业余时间。